HANZŌ NATIONAL ACADEMY: The legendary shinobi Hanzō earned his reputation by constantly fighting on the front lines, no matter his wounds, to protect his friends and allies. Now retired, he watches from the shadows as the school that bears his name passes his techniques and beliefs to a new generation. The five Elite girls of Hanzō National Academy study martial arts, and shinobi history, in order to preserve peace and happiness for everyone – even their archrivals. Their foremost student, Hanzō's granddaughter Asuka, spars constantly with her friends to make everyone stronger, and continually makes more friends everywhere she goes for that same reason.



Voice: Kaori Mizuhashi

"What. Have you done. To MY HIBARI??!! You have committed an unforgiveable sin…"

Birthdate: December 23rd
Blood Type: O
Height: 5'2"
Hobby: Sleeping
Guardian: Squid
Favorite Food: Dried Cuttlefish

A first-year student at Hanzō National Academy. Although she's still a relative newcomer, her skills and dedication have already earned the respect of her peers. Normally very serious and taciturn, she rarely opens up to others – with the exception of Hibari, the youngest Hanzō student. Yagyū, who lost her own little sister in a car accident, has grown ferociously protective of Hibari, almost obsessively so. For her part, Hibari's drive to keep up with her friends has helped her improve to the point where she no longer needs as much of Yagyū's protection. Because of that, their friendship may soon be put to the test.